Experiential Learning Requirements

Experiential Learning “supports students in gaining hands-on learning that helps them transition to employment”[1]. Experiential Learning can take the form of co-operative education, degree work placement, clinical/field placement, fieldwork/simulation labs, capstone/applied research projects, and service learning.

The 6th semester of the Broadcasting Program is a full time 14 week Field Placement course. Faculty for the Field Placement course work closely with the students during the 5th semester Career Placement course to help them find the right internship for their area of interest. The Broadcasting Program has established internship relationships in all areas of the radio, television, film and digital media industries. Faculty work with the students to apply for and secure their field placements, which are conducted much like a job interview and job application process. Placements are 14 weeks x 35 hours per week.  During placement, students report on their progress and the employers evaluate the students.  Concurrently the program runs a series of professional development workshops to compliment the internships.

The status of clinical/field placements and co-op work terms will be subject to public health directives and the reopening plan. Students may complete their placement requirements at sites that are permitted to open, either onsite, following appropriate health and safety protocols, or remotely. Students will be asked to read and sign a Student Informed Consent form in order to ensure that they understand their rights and the potential health and safety risks. Similarly, employers and/or placement hosts will be required to complete an Employer/Placement Health and Safety Site Checklist.

If workplaces are not permitted to open, placements and work terms may be completed remotely where feasible. In programs where placements or unpaid internships can not be facilitated through alternative/distance models, students will be allowed to complete these components at a later date.

Fall 2022 Update:

While the College does not require COVID-19 vaccination, students are required to follow the policies in place at work-term/placement sites. This means that you may be required to provide proof of vaccination to your employer/placement host in order to participate in and complete your work term/placement.


  1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. (2020). Graduate and Employer KPI Surveys 2020-2021 Cycle Operating Procedures.