
Assignment 1: Empathy and Professionalism

Learning Assignment #1 – Empathy and Professionalism (5%)

The purpose of this lab is for students to develop an understanding of what it may feel like to be a client who they may work with in the future.

Students will be taking on the role of a client exercising with “100lbs of extra weight” and learn about the physical challenges that overweight or obese clients may have with walking, climbing stairs or completing simple exercises.

Students are to complete Learning Assignment #1 lab sheet found on MyCanvas. Students will bring the lab sheet with them to their lab class and complete the activities during their scheduled class. Once completed, please hand in at the end of your lab class to your instructor.

This assignment is completed in class and submitted by the due date outlined on the learning plan.



Body Metrics: Beyond Weight Lab Manual Copyright © by Cassandra Cumpson and Andrew Connery. All Rights Reserved.