Philosophy of Death
This course focused on multiple concepts revolving mortality and death. The course content was split into modules, rendering the heavy content less jarring for students unfamiliar with the macabre. Assessments included discussion posts, a major assignment, an essay, and a final take-home exam. The coursework was evenly spread throughout the semester, enabling students to balance the workload efficiently.
I have always had an interest in all things morbid. There are even concepts considered to be dark in nature, which I would disagree. Death is one of them. I think Western society has framed death to be an evil entity which plagues humanity, rather than a natural part of life. I agree with the latter. I took this course with the intention of learning about death from different perspectives and to scrutinize the topics covered in the course materials. I also hoped to improve my philosophical writing.
James is especially knowledgeable in his field and knows the course materials inside out. He is patient and understanding, taking the time to explicate concepts that students struggle to grasp. I enjoyed having class discussions in this course, as it was an opportunity to better understand my peers and what they take away from the readings and discussion posts. Taking philosophy courses during my degree benefitted me on academic and interpersonal levels. I implore other students to take a few philosophy courses to enhance their undergraduate experience.
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash