
There’s a running theme here with my course selections and written assignments. I’m sure that questions are raised about me and my interests. I have found that we often steer away from the things that make us uncomfortable and continuously seek to be comforted. My journey in anthropology has given me experiences that are quite the opposite. My coursework has forced me to look directly at what makes me uncomfortable, and I have learned much about myself and humanity in that discomfort.

Photo by Aya Yagnaya

Of course, the entirety of my journey was not solely staring discomfort in the eyes. There were many topics covered in the myriad of courses offered at Trent. Thanks to those other topics, I awakened other passions within myself and turned to a path alternative to what I imagined at the start of my journey. I’m coming out of my degree a different person, as I’m sure you will too, reader. That is, if you haven’t already. Follow your dreams and your heart, they won’t steer you wrong.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

– Margaret Mead


Aya's Learning Journey Copyright © by ayagnaya. All Rights Reserved.