
Introduction to the Circumpolar World

The course covered a variety of topics revolving the subarctic and arctic environments and politics. We learned about the different environment types, Indigenous populations, political systems, economics and the impact humans have on the environment. The course content was split into modules, as they often are in online courses, which changed weekly. The coursework was split into smaller assignments and assessments, which made it more digestible and manageable for students. Assignments included written documents, discussion posts and a final reflection assignment.

I lived in Nunavut for a period of my life, before my university career.  Although living in the North provided me with a firsthand experience, I knew it was only a drop in the ocean of knowledge. I took this course to gain a better understanding of the land, people and politics of the Circumpolar World.

Educator: Kaitlyn Fleming

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Session: S2

I took this course as part of a summer curriculum, which meant the course was completely online and remote. This course changed my life. The focus of my research was about the severe negative impacts humans have on the Arctic marine biomes. Kaitlyn is well educated in the course content and their passion was inspiring. Their support as an educator provided me with a healthy learning environment to thrive during the course. I highly recommend students to take this course with them.


Photo by NOAA on Unsplash


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