
Before Your Course Begins

11 Updating Quizzes

An Overview of the New Quiz Experience


  • Start by adjusting the Detailed Course Schedule based on the current term schedule. Then update the quiz availability dates and additional submission view dates to match the dates listed in the Detailed Course Schedule.
  • All quizzes must have End Dates. End dates close the availability window and prevent students from accessing the quiz after the set date – This is essential as quiz feedback is released to students two minutes after the quiz end date.

Update Quiz Availability Dates

To update the quiz availability dates, follow these steps:

Read more
  1. On the navigation bar, select Assessments
  2. From the drop-down list, select Quizzes
  3. Under the list of Current Quizzes, next to the quiz title, select the drop-arrow
  4. Select Edit from the action list
  5. From the logical groupings found on the right-hand side, select Availability Dates & Conditions
  6. Select the Start Date field box and set the date from the drop-down calendar
    – The quiz start time automatically sets for 12:01 AM
  7. Select the End Date field box and set the date from the drop-down calendar
    – The quiz end time automatically sets for 11:59 PM
  8. To display the quiz in the calendar, select the “Add Availability Dates to Calendar” check box under the End Date

End Dates and Due Dates

What is the difference between an End Date and a Due Date?

  • Due Date signifies when a student should ideally submit an assessment item. However, the assessment item remains accessible for submissions after the due date has passed and is simply marked as late.
  • End Date represents the absolute final date a student can submit the assessment, regardless of the due date. Once this end date has passed, the assessment becomes inaccessible for submissions, unless the instructor grants ‘special access.’

Note: It’s mandatory for all quizzes to have an End date.

Update the Additional Submission View Dates

The additional submission view releases quiz feedback to the students 2 minutes after the quiz end date.

The following default view settings should be enabled:

✓ Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion

✓ Synchronize to grade book on publish

When published, display to learners:
✓ Attempt grade
No Questions

To update the additional submission view, take these steps:

  1. In the Edit area of the quiz, click on Evaluation & Feedback on the right side
  2. Select Customize Quiz Results Displays
  3. From the Customize Quiz Results Displays pop-up window, navigate to the Additional view comes into effect section and select Edit View
  4. Select the Display Date* calendar field and set a date for quiz feedback
    – 2 minutes after the quiz end date (e.g., 10/10/2022 12:01 AM)
  5. The following settings should be checked (please note that different programs may have different settings; contact your Program Manager if you are unsure):

    ✓ Display attempt grade for evaluated questions
    All questions

    ✓ Show the correct answers to the displayed questions

    ✓ Show the learner’s responses to the displayed questions

    ✓ Show the learner’s grade for the displayed questions

  5. Select Update   

  6. Select OK from the bottom left corner of the Customize Quiz Results Displays pop-up window   

  7. Select the toggle button on the bottom tool bar to switch the quiz from “Hidden” to “Visible
toggle displaying "Hidden"
toggle displaying "Visible"

   8. Select Save and Close from the bottom left corner of the quiz creation window.


warning symbol, explanation mark inside of triangle Caution: If the submission view is not updated, when the first student writes the quiz, they will immediately receive their results and all quiz question answers. Failing to update the quiz submission accurately views jeopardizes academic integrity.

information iconFor more information about Quizzes, check out:
Managing Quizzes: Viewing, Grading, and Special Access.


D2L Brightspace. (2023, January 18). New quiz experience: Instructor. YouTube. https://youtu.be/CX59rZWR3YY

D2L Brightspace Community. (2023, July 7). Set availability and due dates for an assignment. Brightspace. https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/4996-set-availability-and-due-dates-for-an-assignment

D2L Knowledge. (2023, July 7). Create and configure a quiz. Brightspace. https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/3413-create-and-configure-a-quiz


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