The Online Learning Environment and Learning Management System (LMS)

3 Live Session and Virtual Classroom Guide

Live Session Guidelines

  • Live sessions should be 1-1.5hrs in length (any longer and you’ll lose the students)
  • You can keep track of student attendance (and use this as a component of a ‘participation’ grade, if applicable)
  • Makeup remaining time (if needed) through additional activities that students can do asynchronously.
    • E.g., threaded discussions, short assignments/reflections, further readings, pre-recorded lectures, additional online content/links)
  • Live sessions should be planned in advance.
    • Session plans should be shared with students in advance.
  • Plan your live sessions using the Synchronous Session Planning Template attached below.
  • Sessions must be recorded, and the recording link must be shared with students (through the Announcement tool in Avenue)
  • For additional tips for creating engaging virtual classrooms:
  • For additional information on live session security, check out the link below:

Planning your Live Sessions

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Download the Live Session Planning Template 

You are encouraged to use the synchronous session planning template to help you structure your virtual classroom live sessions. A blank template and completed sample are provided below for your use. Please also refer to the chart provided, which outlines some interactive activities and tools that can be used to further enhance your sessions. These materials offer general guidelines that should be revised and adapted to your course as needed.

There are four common approaches (which can be combined and adapted as needed) to create an engaging virtual classroom:

  1. Balanced Interactive Model
  2. Student-Led Seminar Model
  3. Video Interactive Model
  4. Content Focused Model
book icon Read How to Teach Effectively Using Zoom for more information on the four approaches to creating an engaging virtual classroom.


Module 1: The Writing Process (Example)

Activity Brief Overview/Description Resources/Tools Time
Icebreaker Have students describe their writing process to a small group/class. PPT Slides, Breakout Rooms or Chat Tool 5 min
Mini Lecture The Writing Process – describe the planning and outlining phases and provide examples. PPT Slides/ 10 min
Q&A Check for understanding by asking some M/C questions Zoom Poll/ 5 min
Activity In small groups, brainstorm ideas for a given topic using a mind map tool. Zoom Breakout Rooms, Mindomo, 15 min
Activity Debrief One member from each group shares and discusses their mind map with the class. Zoom Gallery View 10 min
Q&A Check for understanding by asking a question. Zoom Poll 10 min
Summary Highlight key points from synchronous session and provide assignment reminder. PPT Slides 5 min

Adapted from How to Teach Online Effectively Using ZOOM by R. Owston, 2020 (

Additional Resources

For more information and tips about teaching in the virtual classroom, visit the Continuing Education Instructor Toolkit – Virtual Classroom Guide.


McMaster University. (n.d.-a). McMaster libguides: Continuing education instructor toolkit: Instructor resources. Instructor Resources – Continuing Education Instructor Toolkit – McMaster LibGuides at McMaster University.


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Avenue to Learn: An MCE Instructor's Guide Copyright © by McMaster Continuing Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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