Before Your Course Begins

8 Updating the Detailed Course Schedule

Updating the Detailed Course Schedule


  • Start by adjusting the Detailed Course Schedule based on the current term schedule. The dates in the Detailed Course Schedule will be used as a reference when updating assessment item due dates.

 Locate and Download the Word Document

  1. Select Content in the navbar
  2. From the Table of Contents, select About the Course
  3. In the About the Course module, click the down arrow attached to Detailed Course Schedule and choose Download from the actions list
  4. Find the detailed-course-schedule Word document in your computer’s download location

Edit the Word Document

The detailed course schedule Word document is in an accessible format. Please do not change the document’s formatting, styles, or white space (e.g., do not add extra spaces/tabs, rows, columns, or line breaks).

Please change only the dates and confirm the times. Do not rename any of the items unless you will rename the titles in the various Avenue to Learn tools to match (e.g., Module One Quiz in the detailed course schedule should match with Module One Quiz in the Quizzes tool).

Upload the Edited File to the Course

  1. Select Content in the navbar
  2. Select About the Course in the Table of Contents
  3. In the About the Course module, select the down arrow attached to Detailed Course Schedule and choose Change File from the actions list
  4. On the screen that appears, drag and drop the edited detailed-course-schedule Word document from your computer to the ‘Drop file here’ box (or use the Upload button to locate and select the file from your computer)
  5. Verify the filename to ensure you have selected the correct file (if it is not correct, use the ‘x’ to remove it and repeat the upload steps)
  6. Click the Update button

Virtual Classrooms

When updating your Detailed Course Schedule (DCS) for the term, you will need to adjust the instructional week based on the day of your scheduled live sessions/virtual classes.

Your first live session/virtual class is Day 1 of the course and the beginning of the instructional week. Each instructional week begins on the scheduled date of the live session/virtual class.

You must run your live sessions/virtual classes on the scheduled day (i.e. date/time advertised to students upon registration).

Virtual Classroom Schedules

Start Date

Scheduled Live Session

Instructional Week

Monday Mondays Monday – Sunday
Tuesday Tuesdays Tuesday – Monday
Wednesday Wednesdays Wednesday – Tuesday
Thursday Thursdays Thursday – Wednesday
Friday Fridays Friday – Thursday
Saturday Saturdays Saturday – Friday
Sunday Sundays Sunday – Saturday
  • Evaluation due dates should be at 11:59 p.m. at the end of the instructional week
    • Example: if your live session/virtual class is scheduled for Thursdays, evaluations would be due Wednesdays at 11:59 p.m.
  • You must run your live sessions/virtual classes on their scheduled day and time
    • You cannot change the date/time of live sessions as the date and time has already been advertised to students upon registration
    • If you are unsure of the scheduled day and time of your live sessions, please contact your Program Manager (PM)
    • All live sessions/virtual classes must be recorded, and the recording must be posted in the Live Session Recordings Refer to the Live Sessions chapter in instructor guide for more information.
  • If you run an extra live session, student attendance cannot be mandatory
    • The extra live session must be recorded, and the recording made available to all students
  • Live sessions should generally run for 1-1.5 hours


In some cases, evaluation due dates may be set for the day/time of your live sessions/virtual classes. You will be able to determine this setup based on the template Detailed Course Schedule found in your term shell in the About the Course module.


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Avenue to Learn: An MCE Instructor's Guide Copyright © by McMaster Continuing Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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