FAQs, Troubleshooting and Contact Information
38 Contact Support
Please check out the following McMasters support services if you require further assistance.
Course Development Team – WCCD Support
The Web Content and Course Developer (WCCD) can support you during your teaching at MCE.
Contact the WCCD for the following:
- Avenue to Learn Support
- Completing term shell updates
- Using various Avenue tools (e.g. quizzes, discussions, assignments, grades, etc.)
- Adding in student accommodations and special access
- Troubleshooting
- Other Avenue-related questions or concerns
- Avenue to Learn Training and Tutorials
- Zoom Training
- Virtual Teaching Support
You can contact the WCCD at ccecrsdv@mcmaster.ca or by submitting a ticket at https://macservicedesk.mcmaster.ca/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/143?requestGroup=1009
When submitting a ticket, please select the WCCD Support option under Request Types, and select either the “Instructor – Avenue to Learn Support” or “Instructor – Zoom Support” tile:
Please fill out all the necessary fields for the course you need support with and describe the support needed in the Description area. Once a request is created, you will get an automated email confirming we received your ticket.
Program Manager (PM)
Your PM is responsible for overseeing the program that your course is associated with. Your PM is available for instructor and student-related support.
Contact your Program Manager for the following:
- Approval of changes to course content, learning activities, etc.
- Tracking Sheet submission
- Information of policies related to
- Late/missing learning activities
- Extensions
- Accommodations
- Sickness
- Withdrawals
- Academic integrity
- Student-related issues
- Disagreements with students
- Issues related to Discrimination and Harassment or the Student Code of Conduct
- Grade appeals
- Options for student-specific circumstance
Program Associate (PA)
Your PA is available for both instructor and student support in a variety of areas.
Contact your Program Associate for the following:
- Student enrollment confirmation
- E-book/Courseware/Course materials questions
- Final grade approval
- Policy clarification
For issues with MACID and University Technology Services, including library access, visit: