Learning Resources, Teaching and Proctoring Tools

29 McMaster Library

The study materials in your course include articles from scholarly journals and/or eBooks that are available through the McMaster Library.

Access McMaster Library

Select My Library Account and log in using your MAC ID and password.

link iconMcMaster University Library

Library Video Tutorials

Follow the link below to access a series of short, engaging videos on a range of topics to help you understand, find and use the library and its resources.

View Full Article

In order to view the full text of a journal article and/or access an eBook, you will need to log in to the library system using your MAC ID and password.

Library Access Issues

Most library access issues can be resolved by completing the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Clear your internet browser cookies and cache
  2. Using an alternative browser

If your library access issues persist, contact University Technology Services (UTS) by using the Chat Bot by selecting “Chat with us” on the bottom right corner of the webpage.

Off-Campus Access

If you receive a “sorry, your account does not belong to a student or employee group” message when attempting to access the McMaster Library, please contact UTS Support by visiting Need Help? – Contact Us and select Chat with us to connect with live chat.


Library access error code display stating, "sorry, your account does not belong to a student or employee group."
Libraries Off-Campus Access: Login error page

e-Resource Access

If you receive a “Sorry, you don’t have access to that e-Resource” error message when attempting to access the McMaster Library, please contact your instructor or Ask a Librarian using the live chat.

Library off-campus access error message "Sorry, you don't have access to that e-Resource."
Libraries Off-Campus Access: Login e-Resource error message, likely due to a library authentication update.

Bad Request

A “bad request” or “HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request” error page is often due to full caches or cookies interfering with access. If you receive this message, clear the cookies and cache in your browser and retry. Note, you will need to re-login to all McMaster accounts.

Bad RequestYour browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Bad Request error message


HTTP Status 440 - Bad Request error page
HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request webpage error message

Check out How to Clear Cookies in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge and How to Clear Your Browser Cache for more information.

Having trouble accessing a library resource?

If the library resource link is broken, Ask a Librarian for assistance using the live chat. For assistance with finding suitable substitute resources, please contact our Teaching & Learning librarian team at liblearn@mcmaster.ca.


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Avenue to Learn: An MCE Instructor's Guide Copyright © by McMaster Continuing Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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