
School Communications

myCentennial Email

myCentennial is your electronic portal to Centennial College information and services such as registration, fee payments, grades, and courses in which you are enrolled. Every student is provided with a myCentennial email account. Your myCentennial account is your official College email account; College communications will be sent to you at this account. It is recommended that you use your myCentennial email account as your preferred email address for College-related business to ensure you do not miss important information. Log into myCentennial with your student number and password.

Communicating with Professors

All courses at Centennial have an online learning environment on eCentennial, the College’s learning management system. You may email your professor from within your eCentennial course shell. Log into eCentennial with your student number and password. Go to Communications >Class Lists to find your faculty member’s name and email address.

Student Portal

Inside your eCentennial course shells, you will find a student portal just for the Motive Power students. Important information and dates will be located inside this portal. You can find contacts, the ability to set up appointments with your success advisor, and a multitude of other information.

Key Takeaway

Make sure you regularly monitor your myCentennial email account. This is your official email account for College-related business.

eCentennial News

eCentennial is the College’s learning management system where you will access an online learning environment for all your courses. Students are encouraged to regularly check the News section in their eCentennial course shells for important course information, updates, reminders, changes, class resources, and new information from professors and department administration.