Plain Text: Stages of Comprehensive Review

Pre-Planning & Orientation

  • PQT and AD establishes PRT
  • PQT Coordinates orientation session for ADs and Program Review Leads (PRLs)
  • CDS meet with PRLs to plan stakeholder sessions & review process

Data Collection

  • CDS and PQT review course outline and reports from COMMS
  • CPC data is collected by PWT
  • IR provides environmental scan data (Academic & non-academic)
  • PRT schedules and holds student and employer | industry stakeholder consultations to gather data
  • Other pertinent data is collected


  • PQT & CDS host Analysis workshops: PLOs, Curriculum, Delivery, and Assessment
  • Analysis of all data collected to inform recommendations and action plan


  • PRL with Report Writer prepare prelininary report
  • Report reviewed by relevant stakeholders
  • Submission to:
    • AD
    • Dean
    • PAC
    • PQT
    • Office of VPA
  • VPA meets with PRT to discuss Final Report

External Verification

  • External team validates review report



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