Acronyms ‘R’ Us

As with most disciplines and areas of specialization, Academic Quality has its own short forms for communicating. Although we use many of the same acronyms, or short forms, as other post secondary educators, we add a few that may be new to educators from other disciplines.

The flashcards allow you to refresh on common, post secondary acronyms as they mix in with Academic Quality-specific ones. Feel free to jump levels of difficulty and switch game mode to Match or try Gravity if you are already and acronym expert!

If you are unable to see the embedded Quizlet below, there is alternate access to the flashcards and all study modes.


You may know all the acronyms, but there may still be some confusion on the roles and responsibilities of people and organizations behind the acronyms. We have provided a quick glossary of definitions, but please contact an Academic Quality team member for further clarification.

Associate Dean

College Educator Development Program

Course Ouline Mapping and Managment System

College Quality Assurance Audit Process

Centre for Teaching & Learning

Credential Validation Service

Essential Employability Skills

Institutional Research

Ontario College Quality Assurance Service

Program Advisory Committee

Strategic Mandate Agreement



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Academic Quality: CDS Crib Notes Copyright © by Mohawk College: Centre for Teaching & Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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