Students in nursing simulation lab

Experiential Learning “supports students in gaining hands-on learning that helps them transition to employment”[1]. Experiential Learning can take the form of co-operative education, degree work placement, clinical/field placement, fieldwork/simulation labs, capstone/applied research projects, and service learning.


Students are required to complete Field Placement 1 (AMHW310) in semester 3 and Field Placement 2 (AMHW410) in semester 4.

Field Placement provides students with the opportunity to apply and practice the knowledge, skills and values they have learned in their courses of study. The aim is for students to gain a mastery of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective entry to practice and to qualify for entry into the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). Upon successful completion of the requirements of the AMHW program, graduates will be qualified to apply for graduation and for membership to the OCSWSSW (

In Semester 1, students will receive detailed information and guidance about the field placement selection process in their AMHW102 Fundamentals for Success as an Addiction and Mental Health Worker course. Students must complete the necessary forms for the field placement selection process. Please note that Field Placement matching is determined by the Field Placement Coordinator: while student preferences regarding Field Placement are taken into careful consideration, it is not possible to guarantee students’ preferred placements. Furthermore, note that the decision to accept a student at a Field Placement Agency is determined by the agency, based on a rigorous interview process.


Students are expected to read and comply with all correspondence from the Field Placement Coordinator distributed in class or through email. The Field Placement Coordinator requires a minimum of 4 months before the start of the Field Placement course to initiate the placement matching and interview selection process.

This advance time is critical, and students are responsible for:

 (a) completing and submitting all of the Field Placement-related forms and documentation (including a professional resume)

(b) preparing for and attending the Field Placement interview (including researching the agency online and preparing a tailored resume specific to the Field Placement Agency

(c) submitting the Field Placement Contract to the Field Placement Coordinator.


These steps are essential in order to confirm a Field Placement space. Please note that students who are off the AMHW Model Route (e.g., students who have failed or dropped a course) must initiate contact with the Field Placement Coordinator at least six months before the official start date of the Field Placement course.

Students must complete the application for the Police Vulnerable Sector Check (required for Field Placement). Please note that Field Placement agencies may decline to interview or accept students with prior criminal convictions. If this is a concern, please speak to the Field Placement Coordinator as soon as possible to assist in planning and securing an appropriate Field Placement.


Note that ALL AMHW students must apply for a criminal background check.

Please take special note of the following:

  • Students must pass the prerequisite courses in order to be eligible to enter Field Placement.
  • Students must be in Good or Conditional Academic Standing in order to be eligible for Field Placement.
  • Students must be successful in the agency interview process to be accepted into Field Placement.



Please note that while the College does not require COVID-19 vaccination, students are required to follow the policies in place at work-term/placement sites. This means that you may be required to provide proof of vaccination to your employer/placement host in order to participate in and complete your work term/placement.

  1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. (2020). Graduate and Employer KPI Surveys 2020-2021 Cycle Operating Procedures.


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AMHW Program Manual Copyright © 2023 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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