School, Department, and Program Policies



  • When writing a test, students must put their official College photo-ID cards in full view for review by the invigilator. Students who do not have official photo-ID will be permitted to write the test with a substitute photo-ID, but they will be required to produce photo-ID at the program or department office within 24 hours or the next business day following the test, or else the test results will be void.
  • Students are expected to arrive at the test site on time. No student will be admitted 30 minutes after the test has commenced. No student may leave within the first 30 minutes after the test has commenced. No additional time will be allowed for any student who comes late to any test.
  • Unless otherwise stated, no written or other aids may be used during tests. Any student who is found using or having used unauthorized aids will be given a mark of zero for that test. Furthermore, a final grade of “F” may be given in this course. Every incident of cheating will be reported to the Campus Inquiry Officer and may entail serious consequences.
  • Students are required to adhere to the policies and procedures relating to academic honesty during evaluation activities or be subject to penalties including issue of a “0” grade, academic credit and expulsion.
  • Students must adhere to the Test Cover Sheet Protocols.
  • All classroom instruction (that require calculators) will be based on the Sharp EL-520. During tests and examinations, students may use an equivalent scientific calculator; however, programmable and/or graphing calculators are prohibited. No other electronic devices will be permitted.
  • Quizzes can consist of online, in-class announced/unannounced quizzes and/or take-home quizzes (assignments).
  • Attendance for classes is mandatory since unannounced quizzes can be given.
  • Dates for announced quizzes will be communicated in class.
  • There are no makeups for quizzes missed or extension of deadlines for online quizzes.

Assignment/project work: (to include mandatory projects)

The following criteria may be applied to each assignment/project and are used when assessing the grade for that element:

  • Student’s performance and level of participation
  • Student’s ability to work in a group atmosphere
  • Student’s ability to follow instructions
  • Student’s demonstrated basic hand tools skills
  • The on-time submission of assignments/projects (*)

(*) late submissions may not be accepted

Assignment and/or project work may be completed on an individual or group basis. Where assignments and/or project work is completed on a group basis;

  1. To be credited with a group project report mark, all students must be in attendance for the entire practical aspect of each project. Each student must also prove their participation in some manner, in the written report.
  2. Any student who misses any portion of a project that is assigned a project report will not be credited with the group’s project report mark. If a student misses any portion of a project, they will be expected to demonstrate understanding of the project Learning Objectives to the Faculty prior to receiving credit for the project mark.

While some activities may be performed in groups, each student is responsible for applying the theory of operation to demonstrate an understanding during the practical application.

ALL mandatory projects must be completed / handed in as instructed and evaluated by the end of the applicable semester. Submissions made after the due date or end of the required timeline will not be accepted.

Academic penalty may be applied for late submission as per project / assignment instructions.

Schedule changes, absences, updates, etc.

Changes to schedules, faculty absences, etc. will be sent to students through their myCentennial accounts, e-centennial or posted at the applicable classroom/lab rooms. The onus is on the student to ensure he/she is aware of the information provided.


Students are expected to be on time for classes. Attendance will be taken within the first 10 minutes of class and continue on an hourly basis.

  • Lateness – students arriving after attendance has been taken will be marked absence for the applicable hour. Late admittance to the class is at the discretion of the professor. Students are responsible to notify the professor at the next break period of their arrival in class.
  • Absence – absences due to illness or extenuating circumstances are required to be appropriately documented and submitted to the office within 5 business days of the date of absence.
  • Students are required to maintain a 70% attendance level in order to be eligible to complete any course recovery options.

Evaluation/assessment activities (tests, projects/assignments)

  • Students are required to adhere to the policies and procedures relating to academic honesty during evaluation activities or be subject to penalties including issue of a “0” grade, academic credit and expulsion.

Missed evaluation (test / exam)

A student who fails to attend a scheduled evaluation must provide documented proof of the reason for the absence prior to rescheduling of the missed test. This documented proof shall be in the form of:

  • a valid note of explanation such as a Doctor’s Certificate, Court Notice, Barrister’s Notice etc.,

Students are to provide written documentation to the respective faculty or the office within five (5) business days of their return for determination of eligibility. Students who fail to meet the above requirement will receive a mark of Zero (0) on the applicable evaluation. There is no exception to this policy.

Submission of a valid note of explanation does not guarantee approval to write a missed evaluation. The decision to grant approval to write a missed evaluation rests with the faculty and/or Chair.

Test – arrangements must be made with the individual faculty member at a time that accommodates their schedule. The rescheduled test must be written prior to the scheduled date for the last course test.

Note – the student may be subject to a fee for any financial impact realized by the AMAT Department for the scheduling of a make-up evaluation.

Use of electronic Communication and/or Entertainment Devices in class/lab, etc.

During classroom activities;

  • Entertainment devices – (e.g. MP3, iPods) are not to be used or worn during classroom activities.
  • Texting devices – (other than cell phones) are to be turned off.
  • Cells phone – are required to be switched to “vibrate” mode. Students are not permitted to make or receive phone calls during classroom activities. If students are required to exit the class in order to receive/pick up phone calls or messages. (*)
  • Laptop or notebook computers – are permitted at the discretion of the faculty and for authorized CSD students only.

During lab, shop or hangar activities;

  • Unless approved by faculty, electronic and entertainment devices are not permitted in the labs, shops or hangar (i.e. cell phones, iPods, MP3s, texting devices, laptops and/or notebooks, etc.).
  • Where applicable, handbags, coats, gym bags, back packs, etc. are not permitted in labs, shops or hangar.

(*) Students that consistently leave class/lab/shop to answer their phone, use laptop/notebook computers for purposes other than those required by the class they are attending, or who fail to follow/adhere to the requirement of this policy will be subject to the procedures specified in the Disruptive Student Behavior in the Classroom and other Learning Environments policy.

Electronic communications devices include but are not limited to cell phones, camera phones, pagers, beepers, palm tops, electronic day-timers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), laptops and any other two-way communication devices.

Entertainment devices include but are not limited to MP3 players, iPods, DVD players, music and/or video players, laptop or notebook computers and any other entertainment devices.

Lab/Shop General Rules

  • Student must arrive no later than 5 minutes after the lab start time.
  • Attendance in all laboratory sessions is mandatory.
  • Missed lab session will only be accommodated if the student involved provides the lab instructor with appropriate documentation similar to that required for missed quizzes and tests.
  • Laboratory reports are due one week after the exercise has been completed.
  • Marks may be deducted for lab reports submitted after the due date at a rate of 10% per day (weekends included).
  • Laboratory schedule is tentative and may vary due to equipment failure or supply problem. As a result, topics and experiments may be added, deleted or rearranged as the course progresses.
  • Food, beverages, electronic devices, etc. are not allowed in the labs.
  • Where applicable, bags and coats are not allowed in the lab.
  • Remove any jewelry prior to entry into the lab.

Lab/Shop Safety Attire

Students are required to wear appropriate safety attire in ALL lab/shop environments.

At a minimum the following is required:

  • Safety boots/shoes, green triangle (i.e. CSA approved – with a Grade 1 protective toe) is the standard required for all labs/shops.
  • Clear lens safety glasses.

At the discretion of the faculty, and dependent on the lab, students may be required to:

  • Coveralls, properly worn (i.e. not tied around waist etc.).
  • Wear hearing protection rated for no less than 33db.
  • Wear clothing that is appropriate to that lab (i.e. no shorts, no loose clothing, no Tyvek suit, etc.).

NO exceptions.

Students who do not adhere to the above will not be granted access to, or permitted to remain in lab.


Course Policies
Additional Shop PPE
– coveralls
– Approved Cartridge Respiratory Mask (pending)
College Policies
Students should familiarize themselves with all College Policies that cover academic matters and student conduct.

All students and employees have the right to study and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and promotes respect and equity. Centennial policies ensure all incidents of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence will be addressed and responded to accordingly.

Academic honesty is integral to the learning process and a necessary ingredient of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, and impersonation. All of these occur when the work of others is presented by a student as their own and/or without citing sources of information. Breaches of academic honesty may result in a failing grade on the assignment/course, suspension or expulsion from the college.

For more information on these and other policies, please visit

Students enrolled in a joint or collaborative program are subject to the partner institution’s academic policies.

PLAR Process
This course is eligible for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). PLAR is a process by which course credit may be granted for past learning acquired through work or other life experiences. The PLAR process involves completing an assessment (portfolio, test, assignment, etc.) that reliably demonstrates achievement of the course learning outcomes. Contact the academic school to obtain information on the PLAR process and the required assessment.



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