4 Unit #4

Learning Objectives

Apply the principles of effective staffing and scheduling to hospital unit scenarios.

Unit #4 Class Preparation

There is no class preparation associated with this unit.

Unit #4 Activities

The following activities will be completed in class for face-to-face course delivery. Students who are absent from class or taking this course remotely should complete these after reviewing course materials and viewing video resources to check their learning in each area.

Hospital Staff Scheduler Research

With a return interest in centralized staffing models, some Ontario hospitals are choosing to hiring clerical staff who work specifically in scheduling. Conduct an Internet with the keywords “Hospital Staff Schedulers” to see which local hospitals are choosing this approach. As you review the qualifications and job tasks, consider whether this is a job that appeals to you in the future. Note, several of our program grads have been successful in attaining these positions directly out of the program.

Schedule Scenarios/Application Exercises

Students will apply the concepts they learned in class to two in-class scheduling activities which will prepare them for the graded scheduling activity. These activities may be found posted in eConestoga, under Unit #4. Students who are absent from class for any reason should watch posted videos, complete the assignments and then check their answers on the completed sheets.

Additional Practice

Using the schedule provided in class, answer the following questions:

3 West Exercises


Eye Clinic Exercises




Key Terms





ADMN 2280 Course Package Copyright © by Nancy Weatherhead. All Rights Reserved.

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