What is a Literature Review?
Generally speaking, a literature review would involve an in-depth scan of available material to identify material and gaps in your field of study.
The following videos explain the purpose and steps of a literature review in more detail.
Additional Resources
To further your understanding, view the following video: What is a Literature Review?
The Key Benefits of a Literature Review
Completing a lit review provides numerous benefits to the researcher.
Flash Cards
Using Databases and Keyword Searches to Find Scholarly Research Literature
These are specific terms related to your research topic. By searching with these keywords, you will find a list of scholarly articles where these terms appear.
Alternative Search Methods:
Beyond keywords, there are other methods to explore, which can be equally effective.
To learn about conducting effective searches in scholarly databases, please review the following booklets and watch the instructional videos provided. These will guide you through the process of keyword searches and introduce other search strategies.
Interactive Book
Finding Scholarly Research Literature
Be sure to view the following booklet, which will help you to search for scholarly articles.