Good Teaching, Scholarly Teaching, Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

Introduction to SoTL

Good Teaching


Source: Photo Credit, Centennial

Good teaching is operationalized in various ways, including student satisfaction ratings, peer observations, self-reflective portfolios.

Good teaching results in:

  • Enhanced student learning
  • Other desired student outcomes
  • Supporting institution and department missions and objective

Scholarly Teaching


Source: Envato Elements

Scholarly teaching goes further than what is required for good teaching. It involves taking a scholarly approach to teaching as is done in other areas of knowledge and practice.

Dedicated educators view teaching as a profession, and they consider the body of knowledge that underlies teaching and learning as a discipline in which they strive to cultivate expertise.

Scholarly teachers:

Infographic of the 4 concepts that identify scholarly teachers (see long description below)

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)


Source: Envato Elements

The “scholarship of teaching and learning” (SoTL) is the development of scholarly knowledge about teaching through reflection, conducting research, and expertise sharing.

It aims to enhance not only individual classroom practices but also contribute to the broader institution and field. SoTL entails rigorous, evidence-based study of student learning, commitment to peer review, and dissemination of collective knowledge. Its central goal is to contribute to teaching and learning literature, fostering continuous improvement for enhanced student learning.

SoTL Key Characteristics

Although closely related, the scholarship of teaching and scholarly teaching are similar, the intent and outcomes of these activities differ.

To find out more about both of these terms, view the following videos.

Video 1 / 2

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning vs. Scholarly Teaching

Source: CELatElon. YouTube, 16 Aug 2013

Video 2 / 2

Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Source: CELatElon. YouTube, 9 Sept 2013,


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Action Research Handbook Copyright © by Dr. Zabedia Nazim and Dr. Sowmya Venkat-Kishore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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