
Introducing participants to the day

In-person training

Provide a welcome and introduction to the training session which will include a breakdown of the day’s agenda. Each participant should have also received an emailed document with the agenda. This is also a time for any questions anyone may have about the peer visitor guide for which they will have received the link.

Participants will perform a quick icebreaker to get to know each other better. An example is  2 truths and  1 lie. You can find more icebreakers online.

Invite participants to share about their amputation, amputation experience, and recovery.


We are all here today to foster a safe respectful environment where participants feel they can share their feelings and experiences. To do this keep in mind the following points:

  • Cell phones should be silenced and put away during the sessions and only removed during break periods
  • Be respectful to all group members and the trainers
  • Practice active engaged listening when members are sharing their stories and experiences
  • Respect others opinions

On-line training

Participants will have watched a welcome video in the ACC Peer Visitor Guide as well as having read the introduction and how to use the guide.  Some participants may be new to video conferencing and so when they join in at 9:15 on the first day you may want to explain to them how it will work and spend the first 5 to 10 minutes doing an icebreaker so they get to know each other.

You can find lots of ideas for icebreakers for virtual meetings at https://blog.sli.do/virtual-icebreakers/.  Some simple icebreakers are:

  • Random questions to get to know each other better. This could include questions such as
    • What’s the most useless thing you have in your home?
    • What would your superpower be if you had one?
    • What one thing should everybody stop doing right now?
  • Two truths and a lie
    • Ask participants to say three things about themselves two of which are truth and one of which is a lie
    • The other participants will guess at which is a lie


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ACC Peer Visitor Training Manual - In Person Training Copyright © by Amputee Coalition of Canada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.