Before the training begins


  • Sign a code of conduct (confidentiality)
  • Provide information through a form on ACC’s website
  • Regional representative for Amputee Peer Support program reviews the amputee peer support application


In-person training

  • Send agenda and link to Peer Training Guide to all participants

On-line training

  • Send agenda and link to Peer Training Guide to all participants
  • Send link(s) for videoconferencing components (Zoom, Facetime, Teams or whatever software is being used)
  • Ensure that the trainees have access and understand when they are learning independently and when they are to join the videoconference

Example email content explaining Day 1 of the online training:

You will start the day by opening the ACC Peer Visitor Guide and reviewing how to use the guide, the introduction, watching the introductory video, and completing the pre-training quiz.

9:00-10:30        Independent activities (videos, workbook, pretest)

At 1030, sign in to the videoconferencing link that you have been sent (the link could be inserted here to make it easier for participants)

10:30-11:00      5 w’s of peer training (1)

11:00-11:15      Break – you can remain in the video conference and mute both your audio and your camera

11:15-11:45      Roles, responsibilities, and ethics (2)

11:45-12:15      Therapeutic Communication (3)

12:15-12:45      Requirements and breakout room role-playing

Sign out of the video conference and do this quiz on your own through the ACC Peer Visitor Guide

12:45-1:00        Independent midway quiz




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ACC Peer Visitor Training Manual - In Person Training Copyright © by Amputee Coalition of Canada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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