Roles and responsibilities of a peer visitor
The standards of practice for peer support include lived experience; a set of rules that certified peer visitors agree to follow; acquired experience through providing peer support and competencies including a natural talent and acquired skills that are needed to provide peer support (PSACC 2016).
The roles and responsibilities of a peer visitor include a diverse range of tasks – here are just a few examples:

The responsibilities of being a peer visitor are very important and are the framework for becoming a successful peer visitor. These responsibilities include:
- Updating skills and knowledge on a regular basis
- Understanding the role and principles that shape that role
- Maintaining confidentiality of peer contacts
- Maintaining current resource information to distribute during the visit
- Avoiding endorsement of any specific product, service, provider, or manufacturer
Reflection Exercise
How to complete this activity and save your work: type your reflective response to the question in the box below. When you’re done reflecting on the question, navigate to the export page to download and save your response. If you prefer to work in a Word document offline, you can skip to the export section and download a Word document of the reflection here.