About this Resource

This resource was created based on discussions and engagement with faculty, instructors, graduate students, and research assistants at Brock University in Fall/Winter term of 2024. It is meant to provide guidance to support instructors who may be thinking of using open educational resources (OER) in their classrooms, but want to support inclusive adoption of these resources and in turn inclusive and open pedagogy in OER use.  Each chapter will provide context from discussions as well as embedded links to examples of these accessibility considerations in practice in open resources. Each chapter can be used as a stand-alone resource on a topic connected to accessible OER adoption, and the concluding chapter provides prompts in the form of questions to expand one’s open practices to include accessibility in educational choices. The resource topics and sub-topics as they appear are listed below.


  1. Accessibility and Justice
    • Accessibility
    • Identity and Positionality
    • Representational Justice
    • Sociopolitical Awareness
    • Disability Justice
    • Citational Justice
  2. Funding and Sustainability
    • Funding and Logistical Barriers
    • Development and Sustainability
    • Language Diversity
  3. Accessible Pedagogy and Research
    • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
    • Wayfinding and Simplifying OER Practices
    • Visibility of Accessibility
    • Adopting and OER Equity Audits
    • Content Warnings
    • Accessibility of Open Assignments
  4. Accessible Language
    • Language Barriers
    • Academic Terminology
    • Safe Language and Accessibility
    • Inclusive Alt-Text
    • Video Descriptions with Bias
  5. Accessible Interactive Tool Selection
    • Accessibility and Interactive Tools
    • Accessibility of OER Platforms
  6. Normalizing Accessibility in Higher Education
    • Institutionalizing Accessibility
    • Training
    • Building a Community of OER Adoption
    • Reviewing Accessibility
    • Prompts for Using and Developing OERs


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Accessible Open Educational Resources Adoption Considerations Copyright © 2024 by Ann Gagne; Ibrahim Berrada; kdakhilalian; Tabitha Doney; Veronika Fendler; and Natalie Patterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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