About the Creators

This book was produced by the Open Educational Resources (OER) Lab in the Centre for Faculty Development and Teaching Innovation at Centennial College. All OER Lab staff involved in the production of this book were Centennial College students co-op students. The students on this team were:


Adriano Melquiades' picture


Adriano Melquiades

Student Developer – Media and Content
Centre for Faculty Development and Teaching Innovation, Centennial College

Adriano Melquiades is a Software Engineering student specializing in Artificial Intelligence at Centennial College. He has experience with web accessibility and has more than ten years of experience managing the commercial department in one of Brazil’s biggest real estate companies. Adriano is fascinated by AI and loves listening to music, watching TV series and learning new things.

Link to Adriano’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrianomelquiades/


Joshua Harding

Student Developer – Media and Content
Centre for Faculty Development and Teaching Innovation, Centennial College

Josh Harding is a Software Engineering student at Centennial College. He has a strong interest in exploring all kinds of new technologies and software. Josh loves to code, play video games, and spend time with his cats.

Link to Josh’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-tk-harding/


Accessibility Sprints Copyright © by Students at OER Production Lab, Centennial College. All Rights Reserved.

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