Welcome to this guidebook on accessibility for third-party tools in Pressbooks!

In this book, we aim to bridge the gap between the accessibility features available within Pressbooks and those offered by external tools.

For Pressbooks Users/Readers

Pressbooks Users/Readers often face challenges navigating content, especially when dealing with third-party tools that don’t seamlessly integrate with Pressbooks’ accessibility features. This guidebook offers clear instructions and insights to help users overcome accessibility barriers posed by external tools.

For Pressbooks Creators

As creators and publishers, we strive to make our content accessible to everyone. While Pressbooks offers well-made accessibility features, there are instances where third-party tools integrated into our publishing process may not provide the same level of accessibility. This guide can be used to ensure that elements which are not easily accessible in Pressbooks remain easy to access on a native site. Creators and publishers are welcome to adapt this work or link directly to the relevant pages. Linking directly to the pages is recommended so that readers will always have access to the most up to date instructions. Whether you’re an author, publisher, or content creator, this resource aims to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to produce books with appropriate accessibility features. By fostering an understanding of accessibility principles and offering practical solutions, we hope to enable you to create inclusive and accessible content for a diverse readership.



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Accessibility for Third Party Tools in Pressbooks Copyright © 2024 by Open Educational Resources (OER) Lab at Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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