Program Requirements



Program Requirements

Technology Requirements

ring IT programs will require students to own and use a mobile computing device that meets or exceeds the recommended hardware requirements.

Note: If you require accommodation for a documented disability, please consider your adaptive technology needs when you select a device for your BringIT programs (click for recommendations). If you wish to access disability services, please make an appointment with the Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services, by calling 416-289-5000, ext. 3850, or by email at

Have questions? Check out Frequently Asked Questions for our Bring IT Program.

Students from this program will require to own/purchase a device and software relevant to the program:

Minimum Recommended Camera Specifications

    • All cameras must have manual mode, shoot in RAW, have interchangeable lenses, a sync port, HDMI in and out, audio in, tethering capabilities and be capable of shooting video @ 4k or at least 1080p.
    • A DSLR lens – a versatile 18-140mm lens is suggested. Try to avoid the 18-55mm kit lens if possible, and opt for the 50mm 1.8 if that is your only choice.
    • 16 – 64 GB memory card. A second memory card is recommended as on ecard is never enough.
    • Some suggested camera options:
      • Nikon DSLR: D750, D780, D800, D850
      • Nikon Mirrorless Z6, Z50
      • Canon DSLR: 5D MK3, 5D MK4, 6D MK2
      • Canon Mirrorless EOS R7, EOS R6, EOS R5
      • Sony Mirrorless a7 MK2, MK3

Minimum Recommended Computer Specifications

  • 13 inch MacBook Pro or a Windows PC with equivalent specs is acceptable. The 15 or 16 inch Macbook Pro’s are highly recommended.
    • Note: new Mac laptops require adapters for multi-USB ports and USB card readers.
  • 2.5GHz or better processor
  • 16GB or better memory
  • 250 GB or larger internal hard drive
  • 2TB external USB3 hard drive and a USB key (flash drive). A 2nd 2TB external USB3 hard drive is recommended for back up. Do not store all of your data one your laptop alone, back up everything as a hard drive will fail one day – stay protected.
  • Additional Equipment:
    • A professional tripod (new or used) buy it must be of professional quality.
    • A handheld light meter. Suggested brand – Sekonic L308X Flashmate or equivalent.

Minimum Required Software

Note: We do not request you to purchase a textbook as textbooks will become outdated quickly but do use OER’s (Open Educational Resources). In exchange you are expected to purchase the specified software.

All students are eligible for a student software discounts once accepted to the program. When licensing software use your student i.d. and/ college email address for the discount.

  • Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic * Bridge, or the full Adobe Creative Cloud (CC)
  • Capture One Pro – can be purchased once the program starts through our student price plan
  • The full Adobe CC & Capture 1 Pro will be required for 2nd year,  semesters 3 and 4

You will need regular access to a computer with an internet connection. High speed broadband access (LAN, Cable or DSL) with minimum 10mbps download speed is highly recommended. Some courses have more advanced system requirements.

See the Experiential Learning Requirements section for information on work terms, field placements, clinical placements, or other required experiential learning components.

Course Requirements – Course Outlines

Course outlines specify relevant course learning outcomes to be achieved and assessments that measure achievement of that learning. Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and required learning resources (e.g., textbooks, equipment/materials). Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and learning resources. Course outlines clearly communicate expectations to learners concerning requirements for admission to the course (e.g.., pre- and co-requisites), successful completion of the course, and other course-specific policies and procedures. Ensure you review the course outlines for each of your courses to be aware of requirements and expectations.


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Student Program Handbook, Photography - Fall 2024 Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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