School, Department, and Program Policies
School, Department, and Program Policies
Protect your academic integrity
Students are responsible to ensure they understand the policies and procedures relating to academic integrity (i.e. cheating). If you intentionally or unintentionally attempt to gain improper academic advantage through dishonest means (e.g. cheating, copying from/for others, obtaining test questions, etc.) you will be subject to academic penalty. If you’re aware of others who may be in breach of academic integrity, you have a responsibility to report this because their actions may have a negative effect/impact on your academic experience/status.
Tools and Equipment
Tools are provided by Centennial College and a tool control system implemented. Each student is responsible for ensuring that the College supplied tools & equipment are maintained in good working order; and are reported to the faculty and/or lab technician when in need of repair.
In labs/shops, students are responsible to ensure tool kits/box is complete when they start and finish their work. Failure to adhere to the control system may result in an incomplete grade on the associated mandatory project.
Academic penalty may be applied for any tools missing from the student crew tool kit/box.
Access to/working in hangars, labs, shops
All personnel entering or working in the hangars, labs or shops are required to wear appropriate safety equipment (PPE) and adhere to required safety rules. NO exceptions.
- No food or drink (with exception of water) is allowed in hangars, labs or shops
- No coats (*), bags, back packs, etc. are allowed in hangars, labs or shops
(*) The only exception is where activities are scheduled to take place in the aircraft compound.
PPE (personal protective equipment)
- Safety boots/shoes, green triangle (i.e. CSA approved with a Grade 1 protective toe) is the standard required for all labs/shops.
- Clear lens safety glasses (*).
- Coveralls, properly worn (i.e. not tied around waist etc.).
(*) General prescription eyewear is NOT considered appropriate eye protection and requires that approved “over the glasses” safety eyewear or prescription safety glasses are worn.
[Ref Centennial College Procedure HR100-02]
At the discretion of faculty student may be required to adhere to additional safety attire requirements. Refer to the student handbook for further information.
Program Accreditation Requirements:
In order to receive the program certificate all of the following requirements:
- Maintain a 60% grade in each technical course;
- Successfully complete all mandatory projects; and
- Maintain daily attendance (for the program).
Course pass mark: 60%
Evaluations may include on-line, multiple choice, short answer or physical task completion. Students are expected to arrive on time for all evaluation activities.
Evaluation Assignment/project work: (to include mandatory projects):
For each student the following criteria is applied when assessing practical activities:
- Performance, level of participation
- Ability to work in a group atmosphere
- Ability to follow instructions
- Demonstrated basic hand tool skills
- On-time submission of assignments (late submissions may not be accepted)
Each student is responsible for applying the theory of operation to demonstrate an understanding during the practical application.
Mandatory activities must be completed / handed in as instructed and by the established deadline. Academic penalty may be applied for late submissions. ALL mandatory activities will be evaluated within the applicable semester. Submissions made after established due dates or timelines will not be accepted.
Student Feedback
Information regarding a students’ progress is provided throughout the course in both classroom and labs/shop activities; using a variety of methods to include quiz, test, project, assignment, discussion and question/answer sessions.
Students are expected to be on time for classes. Attendance is taken within the first 10 minutes and at regular intervals throughout the session. Students arriving late will be marked absent for the hour and are responsible to notify faculty of their arrival at the end of the break period.
Absences due to illness or extenuating circumstances are required to be appropriately documented (*) and submitted to the Success Advisor office within 5 business days of the date of absence.
(*) Providing a note for absence does not mean the missed hours are given back or guarantee that missed instruction or testing will be rescheduled. All missed hours are required to be tracked in accordance with program accreditation requirements. Students must attend 95% of the total program hours in order to be eligible for accreditation.
Evaluation/assessment activities (writing tests, completing projects/assignments, etc.)
Academic Honesty
All students are expected, and responsible, to ensure they comply with the policies and procedures related to academic honesty. Any such breaches shall be subject to penalty which may include issue of a “0” grade, loss of academic credit and/or expulsion. Refer to student handbook for further information.
Writing an evaluation/test
Students are expected to arrive at the test site on time. No student is will be admitted 30 minutes after the start of the test; and no student may leave within the first 30 minutes after the test has commenced. Refer to student handbook for further information.
Missed evaluation
A student who misses a scheduled evaluation must provide acceptable documented proof of the reason for the absence prior to its rescheduling. Such documentation is required to be provided to the faculty within 5 days of return to school. Students who fail to meet this requirement will receive a mark of Zero (0) on the applicable evaluation. There is no exception to this policy.
Refer to the student handbook for further information.
Arrangements to write a missed evaluation
With the exception of the last course evaluation (e.g. test), arrangements must be made with the individual faculty member and be written prior to the scheduled date of the next course evaluation.
In the case of the last course evaluation, arrangements must be made with the individual faculty member and the evaluation written prior to, or during, the student engagement (break) period immediately following the module in which the course was taken. The student may be subject to a fee for any financial impact realized by the Aerospace/Aviation Department for the scheduling of a make-up evaluation.
Rewrite evaluations allow a student an opportunity to improve their final course grade if the grade is between a “C-C+” (60-69%). Refer to the student handbook for further information.
Course failures
Students that fail 3 or more course in a semester are placed on academic hold and/or removed from the program. In order to continue with their training the student is required to reapply to the program. Refer to the student handbook for further information.
Program academic hold (termination) status due to course failures
Final grade – failing 3 or more courses in any semester
Students, who fail (receive less than a “C”) in 3 or more courses in any semester will be placed on academic hold and put into “course termination” status. As such all training will cease and they will be removed from the program. In order to continue with the program the student is required to apply for readmission to the program and successfully complete the failed courses.
Final grade – failing to meet the (60%) passing grade for a course
Students that fail to meet the minimum passing grade of 60% (a “C”) in each course are not eligible for graduation and must repeat the failed course.
Schedule changes, absences, updates, etc.
Changes to schedules, faculty absences, etc. will be sent to students through their myCentennial accounts, e-centennial or posted at the applicable classroom/lab rooms. The onus is on the student to ensure he/she is aware of the information provided.
Use of electronic Communication and/or Entertainment Devices in class/lab, etc
During classroom activities;
- Entertainment / Texting devices – (other than cell phones) are to be turned off.
- Cells phone – are to be on “vibrate” mode, and must not be on your person. Students are not permitted to make or receive phone calls during classroom activities. Students are to exit the class in order to receive/pick up phone calls or messages. (*)
During lab, shop or hangar activities;
- Cell phones, lap top, computers – use is at the discretion of faculty as applicable to material/learning objectives being presented.
(*) Students that consistently leave class/lab/shop to answer their phone, use laptop/notebook computers for purposes other than those required by the class, or who fail to follow/adhere to faculty’s direction and/or the requirement of this policy will be subject to the procedures specified in the Disruptive Student Behavior in the Classroom and other Learning Environments policy.