
Letter from the Researchers

When we proposed this research in the Winter of 2019, we had no idea that our world would be transformed within a year. Our first research dissemination event was booked for March 27, 2020 which was postponed, as was the release of our research report. It feels like many things have been put on hold in the past nine months.

We want to acknowledge, however, that housing insecurity and homelessness are two of the things that have not been put on hold during COVID-19. They have, in fact, become even more precarious issues with an unstable economy and health concerns. COVID-19 has also magnified what many experts have called a mental health crisis in Canada (CAMH, 2020).

We appreciate the many dedicated staff at Indwell, Invizij Architects and the development team at Schilthuis Construction who continue to support and serve the tenants at the various Indwell sites and continue to build new supportive affordable housing developments.

Thank you for inviting us into your process and telling us your story.

Dr. Shannon Pirie and Dr. Bethany Osborne

December 2020