
2 The Research Team

Dr. Shannon Pirie’s doctoral work focused on affordable and social housing in large city centres across Canada, via the lens of architectural devices and the notion of home. Using the device as an entry point into design, Shannon’s teaching is centred on a core understanding of building science and the integration of sustainable approaches that improve the environmental impact of buildings, with particular emphasis on the creation of quality spaces for people.


Dr. Bethany Osborne has worked with marginalized communities for the past two decades and teaches about gentrification and social determinants of health. Bethany worked in Regent Park, the largest affordable housing development in Canada, and supported residents in creating a community development plan as the region transitioned into a 25-year revitalization. When she moved to the City of Hamilton four years ago, she was interested in the Indwell projects because of their innovative approach to affordable supportive housing.


The research team was comprised of eight Research Assistants from the following programs: Social Service Worker, General Arts and Science, Architectural Technology. Research Assistants were responsible for transcribing and coding the video interviews, creating drawings, contributing to the literature review, writing up the findings of the interview data and preparing the online gallery.  The Research Assistants were Destanee Bucko – Social Service Worker program; Cory Haslett – General Arts and Science program; Mallika Sothinathan – Social Service Worker program; and Ingrid Tubon, Samantha Aiello, Stefanija Stameska, Yuting (Claire) Gong and Carolina Daza Jaramillo from the Architectural Technology program.