
Appendix 2: Interview Questions

Interview Questions

 General Questions (for all participants)


  1. What role do you play or have you played in the Indwell building projects? (What does that role look like in everyday practice?)


  1. How many people are on your team (or do similar work to the work that you are doing?)


  1. How long have you been involved in the Indwell building projects?



Specific questions (dependant on the role of the interview participant)


  1. Who are your residents? (What is the range of residents?) What is the criteria for getting a spot in an Indwell building?


  1. Do you have different types of housing? Does this impact the design?


  1. What are the different impacts that you have seen on residents over the past decade as they have moved into your buildings? (what have you measured?)


  1. How long is your waiting list?


  1. What kind of funding challenges have you faced? (what are the strategies that you have employed to fund your different projects? You currently have 7 projects and 6 in development)




  1. Can you describe the process that goes into selecting a building site? (How do you interact with the community where the site will be constructed?)


  1. Can you describe the role that design has played in the development and construction of the different Indwell buildings?


  1. Why did you decide to use Passive Housing principles in the Indwell projects?


  1. Why do you think it is important that your buildings incorporate design ideas like Passive Housing?


  1. How does the concept of community impact the way that you consider the design of your buildings?


  1. Which types of spaces are given design priority in your developments? (Are there ratios of public, semi-public, and private spaces?)


  1. What is the importance of spaces outside of the Indwell projects, such as porches, sidewalks, smoking areas, parking, community spaces, parks, or community gardens?