Total visitors | 914 +38% | 252 more than previous period |
Total pageviews | 6,113 +71% | 2,539 more than previous period |
Realtime pageviews | 0 | pageviews in the last hour |
# | Pages | Visitors | Pageviews |
1 | Types of Scheduling Activities in Hospitals | 400 | 899 |
2 | Hospital Codes | 245 | 550 |
3 | Chapter 4 Review Activities | 224 | 531 |
4 | The Organization of Patient Care Units | 201 | 450 |
5 | Overview of the HUC Role | 140 | 319 |
6 | Types of Hospitals in Ontario | 127 | 253 |
7 | Inpatient Hospital Departments | 111 | 219 |
8 | Introduction to Staff Scheduling | 130 | 187 |
9 | Chapter 1 Review Activities | 88 | 174 |
10 | Staffing and Scheduling Provisions in a Collective Agreement | 115 | 174 |
11 | The Collective Agreement | 113 | 157 |
12 | Outpatient Hospital Departments | 73 | 148 |
13 | General Hospital Departments | 77 | 146 |
14 | Common Staffing Models | 91 | 136 |
15 | Chapter 3 Review Activities | 104 | 136 |
16 | Master Schedules | 91 | 127 |
17 | Physician/Specialist Terms | 69 | 126 |
18 | Emergency and Surgical Services | 64 | 120 |
19 | Hospital Leadership | 65 | 118 |
20 | Staffing Guidelines for the Master Schedule | 81 | 116 |
# | Referrers | Visitors | Pageviews |
1 | 581 | 1,108 | |
2 | | 19 | 45 |
3 | | 3 | 4 |
4 | | 2 | 3 |
5 | | 1 | 1 |