
5 Activity that supports mid level domain knowledge


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Elevator pitch (demonstrate) activity example

Do you have a project based group activity in your course? How are you assessing this project? If you have learners submit the entire project for grading as a final/summative assessment consider also how elements that learners work through ‘along the way’ are worth checking in on. If learners will give a presentation as part of their project perhaps at the end of the first stage of the project development, you can ask the group to develop a 30 second ‘pitch’ for their product/project (a short commercial type video to sell others on what they will learn about in the final presentation). These can be shared for feedback from their peers or used in a more formal way to ‘set up’ the presentation days. You can then post the schedule of presentations and all learners will watch the pitches for each presentation day ahead of time. They will then each come with one questions they have for each group.

Back of the napkin (sketch) activity example

This informal, visual communication activity works across all disciplines to help represent workflows, linguistic symbolism, take components of ecosystems and show their connectedness, and even a learning cycle. A plain napkin is used to ‘sketch’ out ideas/connections/etc and are posted to a wall similar to that which is embedded here.

Blogging (analyze) activity example

Blogging is a reflective as well as constructive activity for learners in all disciplines.

Most Learning Managment Systems (eg. D2L, Moodle, etc) include this feature making it very easy for you to incorporate blogging (in a uniform, and manageable way).

If you are going to introduce blogging as a student activity in your course an overview and terminology primer comes in handy:

To expand upon the above

Many of the example provided within this module can be incorporated as small changes made within existing course structures. What if you wanted to plan to incorporate activity across the whole course?